Monday, May 1, 2017

A Little Self-Love

"A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter against low self-esteem." ~ Naomi Wolf
I like to think that I have a healthy body image overall, and really strive to show that (especially to my daughter) by making healthy choices and working out as much as I can. But, to be 100% honest, there are definitely days I struggle. And before I continue, let me just say that I am DAMN proud of this body and what it's done, created, and endured in my 32 years!!
I don't know why I was thinking about this today, but for some reason I had a flashback to myself as a young girl, probably 8 years old, sitting down and looking at my belly hanging over my pants. I don't really remember when I started caring about that, but I remember that specific moment and thinking to myself that I needed to lose weight. At 8 years old!!! It's just crazy how at such a young age I was feeling insecure about my belly. I remember joking with friends saying I hadn't lost my baby, from when I was born?!! For one, who says that? Thinking about that really made me realize how much of an impact things out of my control can have on my kid's self image. Magazines, tv, friends at school, family, etc. - there's just so much pressure to be "skinny" or to fit the image of what you are supposed to look like as a young girl.
Since that time when I was 8, I have always thought I needed to lose weight. I have compared myself to others thinking "I wish I had skinny legs like hers" or "I will never be a size 2 like her"... As a kid, I was made fun of for being "chunky" and really, it's had a lasting impact on me.
The good news is, once I had kids and realized all that this body can DO, those insecurities left. I am not saying I still don't wish my tummy was tighter, or that my legs had less cellulite, but what I am saying is that I don't dwell on it, or wish for someone else's body. Instead, I strive to work on MY body, and make it the best it can be according to MY standards, and not society's or some asshole's that made fun of me on the playground.
My goal as a mom is to just show my kids that you can love yourself no matter what you look like, the size of your clothes, or the things you are interested in. To love yourself if you are athletic or not, or funny or not, or artistic or not. To love yourself for being YOU and all that you are. To only compete with yourself and to never judge someone else for being different or having different priorities than you. To really, just be you. Un-apologetically, un-censored, and so totally and uniquely YOU. The world needs more of that for sure and if there is one thing I show my kids, it will be to follow your heart and not worry about what anyone else thinks.
Love yourself, take care of yourself, and enjoy the life you get to live each and every day. <3

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