Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Inspire Greatness is EXPANDING!!!

<3 Are you a mom who wants to stay home with your babies?
<3 Are you a mom who already stays home with her babies?
<3 Or, maybe your inner #girlboss is screaming to get out and wants to start a successful business from home?

If you answered YES to any of those questions, this post is for YOU! <3

You see, a little over a year and half ago I was a wife and mother struggling to lose the last of the baby weight I had gained while pregnant with my son. I was trying to balance being a mom and wife while working full-time, and I really had a hard time finding the time to focus on myself. I felt defeated. I felt out of control. I just didn't feel like ME anymore. Everything that had worked in my past to lose weight was not working anymore, and I was on the verge of giving up and just accepting the fact that I would never get back to my pre-baby weight. 

One day as I was scrolling my Facebook newsfeed (at work of course) I came across a post from a coach who was a stay home mom to FOUR kids, had a rockin’ body, and just seemed to have it all together. She was constantly talking about challenge groups, trips she was going on, amazing gifts she was given JUST for helping people get healthy… and needless to say, I was intrigued. I honestly thought everything she was posting was way too good to be true, and couldn’t wait to message her and find out that it was all a scam. ;) Well, after messaging with her, having a phone call with her, and then googling this sh*t out of “is Beachbody coaching a scam?” I decided to just sign up as a coach. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but from what I heard and researched, I had nothing to lose (other than some unwanted pounds). 

The main reason I signed up as a coach in the beginning was to be held more accountable to my workout program and to get a discount on products and Shakeology. I figured if I didn’t like coaching, or wasn’t seeing results, I would just quit. No biggie. 

Well, after that first week as a coach, and a challenger in one of her accountability groups, I was down 6 lbs, had my “AH-HA” moment, and FINALLY figured out my passion. I remember telling my mom and my husband that I had found my “calling.” :) Seeing those results after so many months of being in a plateau and just feeling like crap was amazing. I felt SO good, SO healthy and SO confident again! It was after that first week when I realized that I could help other mothers feel the same way I did and help them figure out how to fit in workouts with their busy schedules. I wanted to prove to them that they too could feel this great again! I wanted to help women make their health a priority so that they could have more energy for their children and be around much longer for their families. 

So, needless to say, signing up as a coach changed my life. Not only has it helped me get healthy, have a healthy second pregnancy, lose the baby weight I gained with #2 faster than ever; but it has helped create an income for my family I never thought would be possible. 

Quickly after becoming a coach I made it my goal to quit my full-time corporate job so that I could stay home with my babies and work from home as a coach. I am just not cut out for the 9-5, Monday through Friday, sitting in a cubicle all-day, type of job. I have alway just known I was meant for something different. I just never knew what that was until I became a coach. Coaching IS that something different for me. 

Last July as my maternity leave was winding down, I was able to do something I had only dreamed about up until that point. With a week and half left of my maternity leave, I contacted my employer and let them know I would not be returning to work. I was able to do this because the income I was earning from coaching replaced the full-time income I was making in my corporate job. All from being an online health coach, supporting others in their health and fitness journey, and building a team of coaches doing the same thing.

All I can say is WOW. It’s still hard to believe and I have been home for almost 6 months. :)

I am finally able to live a life of FREEDOM. A life by my own design and not someone else’s. I get to work when I want to work, take vacation at the drop of a hat, spend as much time cuddling my babies as I want, and have time to focus on my own health without feeling like I am cutting out time away from my family. I can do what I want, when I want, and only have to answer to myself. Never did I think at the age of 31 that this would be possible. It’s just crazy that this is my life. <3


Every month I accept 10 new interns to mentor in my new training academy. If you would like to be considered please email me at devonladu@gmail.com, message me or fill out an application at:


Coaching may not be for you… but what if it is? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get more information. It just might change your life.


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