Thursday, October 29, 2015


Ever since I got pregnant with Kamden my sweet tooth has been on over-drive… I just #cantstopwontstop when there is candy in the house!! It’s as if it whispers my name during my weakest moments, knowing I will give in and pound down 5 mini Snickers bars.. because really, that’s like eating 1 whole Snickers bar, right??? 

Well anyway, this year I REALLY am going to try hard to resist the sugar coma and only give myself a piece or 2 before calling it good. So, in lieu of me trying to back away from the candy bowl, here are some HALLOWEEN SURVIVAL TIPS to get you through the day… if anything, save your candy so you can have a glass of wine or 2 after a full night of trick-or-treating and all the crazy kids hyped up on sugar! ;)

<<<<<<<<<< HALLOWEEN SURVIVAL TIPS >>>>>>>>>>

1. Make sure to fuel your body throughout the day. Start the day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast and plan your snacks and the rest of your meals for the day. Take snacks with you along with a water bottle to keep you on track! Just because you are anticipating eating a few pieces of candy does not make it a good idea to skimp on your meals. At each meal, focus on choosing good sources of lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains! Also, try to fit in a good workout or walk around with the trick or treaters!

2. Don’t deprive yourself. In a perfect world we could go through Halloween day, I mean Halloween week, without overindulging in the endless supply of candy – in your office, your home or even at the doctors office. But this is just NOT realistic. We’re human and most of us enjoy the occasional or not so occasional treat. Allow yourself to have it! Enjoy it and move on! Just don’t eat ALL the candy!

3. Have something to look forward to. Do you have a favorite candy? For me, anything with chocolate and caramel seals the deal. So, instead of messing around with all the other “not-as-good” candy, save it for the end of the night when you can sit down with a glass of red wine and savor your mini Snickers bar. :)

4. Make a deal with your kids, your spouse, your dog… or just yourself :) that after trick-or-treating you will go through and pick out your favorite candy, and then donate the rest. Your kids and your waistline will not miss it! And you might make someone else’s day! It’s a win-win!

5. Tell yourself that every piece of candy you eat past your allotted 2 pieces you have to do 10 burpees for. So for example, if you allow yourself 2 pieces and you eat 5… well then get ready to sweat it out while you do 30 burpees! You could also turn this challenge into a fun little bet with your family.

Lastly, go easy on yourself. If you over-indulge on Halloween just make sure to drink LOTS of water, get moving, and MOVE ON the next day. Don’t dwell on it, don’t make a habit of it… and don’t knock yourself down because of it! And most of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Have fun, be safe, and TAG me in any other survival tips you have! #BOO

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