Thursday, October 1, 2015


Well, let me start off my saying that I am SO HAPPY to be reunited with this tub of heaven.....
"Reunited and it feels so goooooood!"
Yesterday was day 3, my final day, of the 3-Day Refresh and it was by far the easiest day of them all. I think my body finally was used to the amount of food I was eating and had finally adjusted to the increased fiber intake. I had so much energy yesterday, didn't have any crazy cravings and when it came time to eat my cucumber salad for dinner, I couldn't even finish it because I was FULL! That's crazy to me, because normally by dinnertime I could eat everything in sight! I am usually munching off my son's plate, or grazing the cupboard while making dinner... but yesterday was so different! I am not sure if it was because I knew in my mind I couldn't snack or what, but I didn't even want anything to eat while making dinner for my son. 

I went to bed last night feeling accomplished and actually pretty proud that I stuck to this program... I mean, followed it to a "T." And it totally paid off because when I woke up this morning I was 6.5 pounds lighter than when I started. I can see in how my pants fit how much my stomach has gone down, which is a godsend since having baby #2. My stomach has always been the easiest part of my body to tone but since having kids it's basically the complete opposite. So, I WILL TAKE IT!!  And I must have been really good lately for the scale to cooperate because it's usually a liar.... which is why I ALWAYS take before and after pictures, or progress pictures in my case since this is not the end for me!! This has been an AMAZING boost for me, or jump-start if you will, and has rejuvenated my motivation to tone up this mom-bod for good! :) So, without further delay, here are my before and after pictures....
That's only a 3 day difference! That's insane to me!!! I am so happy with these results that I plan to do it once a month or once every couple months to keep my diet in check. 

Yesterday was supposed to be the last day this program was on special but I checked today and it's still available for the sale price! If you want to give this a shot or have any questions please email me at or message me on Facebook at  

If you want more info on the 3-Day Refresh, check this out:

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