Thursday, October 29, 2015
Ever since I got pregnant with Kamden my sweet tooth has been on over-drive… I just #cantstopwontstop when there is candy in the house!! It’s as if it whispers my name during my weakest moments, knowing I will give in and pound down 5 mini Snickers bars.. because really, that’s like eating 1 whole Snickers bar, right???
Well anyway, this year I REALLY am going to try hard to resist the sugar coma and only give myself a piece or 2 before calling it good. So, in lieu of me trying to back away from the candy bowl, here are some HALLOWEEN SURVIVAL TIPS to get you through the day… if anything, save your candy so you can have a glass of wine or 2 after a full night of trick-or-treating and all the crazy kids hyped up on sugar! ;)
<<<<<<<<<< HALLOWEEN SURVIVAL TIPS >>>>>>>>>>
1. Make sure to fuel your body throughout the day. Start the day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast and plan your snacks and the rest of your meals for the day. Take snacks with you along with a water bottle to keep you on track! Just because you are anticipating eating a few pieces of candy does not make it a good idea to skimp on your meals. At each meal, focus on choosing good sources of lean protein, healthy fats, and whole grains! Also, try to fit in a good workout or walk around with the trick or treaters!
2. Don’t deprive yourself. In a perfect world we could go through Halloween day, I mean Halloween week, without overindulging in the endless supply of candy – in your office, your home or even at the doctors office. But this is just NOT realistic. We’re human and most of us enjoy the occasional or not so occasional treat. Allow yourself to have it! Enjoy it and move on! Just don’t eat ALL the candy!
3. Have something to look forward to. Do you have a favorite candy? For me, anything with chocolate and caramel seals the deal. So, instead of messing around with all the other “not-as-good” candy, save it for the end of the night when you can sit down with a glass of red wine and savor your mini Snickers bar. :)
4. Make a deal with your kids, your spouse, your dog… or just yourself :) that after trick-or-treating you will go through and pick out your favorite candy, and then donate the rest. Your kids and your waistline will not miss it! And you might make someone else’s day! It’s a win-win!
5. Tell yourself that every piece of candy you eat past your allotted 2 pieces you have to do 10 burpees for. So for example, if you allow yourself 2 pieces and you eat 5… well then get ready to sweat it out while you do 30 burpees! You could also turn this challenge into a fun little bet with your family.
Lastly, go easy on yourself. If you over-indulge on Halloween just make sure to drink LOTS of water, get moving, and MOVE ON the next day. Don’t dwell on it, don’t make a habit of it… and don’t knock yourself down because of it! And most of all, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Have fun, be safe, and TAG me in any other survival tips you have! #BOO
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Inspire Greatness is EXPANDING!!!
<3 Are you a mom who wants to stay home with your babies?
<3 Are you a mom who already stays home with her babies?
<3 Or, maybe your inner #girlboss is screaming to get out and wants to start a successful business from home?
If you answered YES to any of those questions, this post is for YOU! <3
You see, a little over a year and half ago I was a wife and mother struggling to lose the last of the baby weight I had gained while pregnant with my son. I was trying to balance being a mom and wife while working full-time, and I really had a hard time finding the time to focus on myself. I felt defeated. I felt out of control. I just didn't feel like ME anymore. Everything that had worked in my past to lose weight was not working anymore, and I was on the verge of giving up and just accepting the fact that I would never get back to my pre-baby weight.
One day as I was scrolling my Facebook newsfeed (at work of course) I came across a post from a coach who was a stay home mom to FOUR kids, had a rockin’ body, and just seemed to have it all together. She was constantly talking about challenge groups, trips she was going on, amazing gifts she was given JUST for helping people get healthy… and needless to say, I was intrigued. I honestly thought everything she was posting was way too good to be true, and couldn’t wait to message her and find out that it was all a scam. ;) Well, after messaging with her, having a phone call with her, and then googling this sh*t out of “is Beachbody coaching a scam?” I decided to just sign up as a coach. I had no idea what I was getting myself into, but from what I heard and researched, I had nothing to lose (other than some unwanted pounds).
The main reason I signed up as a coach in the beginning was to be held more accountable to my workout program and to get a discount on products and Shakeology. I figured if I didn’t like coaching, or wasn’t seeing results, I would just quit. No biggie.
Well, after that first week as a coach, and a challenger in one of her accountability groups, I was down 6 lbs, had my “AH-HA” moment, and FINALLY figured out my passion. I remember telling my mom and my husband that I had found my “calling.” :) Seeing those results after so many months of being in a plateau and just feeling like crap was amazing. I felt SO good, SO healthy and SO confident again! It was after that first week when I realized that I could help other mothers feel the same way I did and help them figure out how to fit in workouts with their busy schedules. I wanted to prove to them that they too could feel this great again! I wanted to help women make their health a priority so that they could have more energy for their children and be around much longer for their families.
So, needless to say, signing up as a coach changed my life. Not only has it helped me get healthy, have a healthy second pregnancy, lose the baby weight I gained with #2 faster than ever; but it has helped create an income for my family I never thought would be possible.
Quickly after becoming a coach I made it my goal to quit my full-time corporate job so that I could stay home with my babies and work from home as a coach. I am just not cut out for the 9-5, Monday through Friday, sitting in a cubicle all-day, type of job. I have alway just known I was meant for something different. I just never knew what that was until I became a coach. Coaching IS that something different for me.
Last July as my maternity leave was winding down, I was able to do something I had only dreamed about up until that point. With a week and half left of my maternity leave, I contacted my employer and let them know I would not be returning to work. I was able to do this because the income I was earning from coaching replaced the full-time income I was making in my corporate job. All from being an online health coach, supporting others in their health and fitness journey, and building a team of coaches doing the same thing.
All I can say is WOW. It’s still hard to believe and I have been home for almost 6 months. :)
I am finally able to live a life of FREEDOM. A life by my own design and not someone else’s. I get to work when I want to work, take vacation at the drop of a hat, spend as much time cuddling my babies as I want, and have time to focus on my own health without feeling like I am cutting out time away from my family. I can do what I want, when I want, and only have to answer to myself. Never did I think at the age of 31 that this would be possible. It’s just crazy that this is my life. <3
All I can say is WOW. It’s still hard to believe and I have been home for almost 6 months. :)
I am finally able to live a life of FREEDOM. A life by my own design and not someone else’s. I get to work when I want to work, take vacation at the drop of a hat, spend as much time cuddling my babies as I want, and have time to focus on my own health without feeling like I am cutting out time away from my family. I can do what I want, when I want, and only have to answer to myself. Never did I think at the age of 31 that this would be possible. It’s just crazy that this is my life. <3
Every month I accept 10 new interns to mentor in my new training academy. If you would like to be considered please email me at, message me or fill out an application at:
https:// forms/ team-inspire-greatness-appl ication/
Coaching may not be for you… but what if it is? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get more information. It just might change your life.
Every month I accept 10 new interns to mentor in my new training academy. If you would like to be considered please email me at, message me or fill out an application at:
Coaching may not be for you… but what if it is? Don’t be afraid to ask questions and get more information. It just might change your life.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
All About Me....
When I first started focusing on my health and fitness it was all about me. It was about feeling good in my skin, losing the last 15 pounds, feeling confident, wearing clothes that I hadn't been able to for years...being HAPPY. Don't get me wrong, all those things are EXTREMELY important and make a huge impact on the kind of mom and wife I am, but now my motivation has shifted a bit.
Once I reached my initial goal I realized it wasn't just about me anymore. I had little eyes watching me and noticing what I was doing. I had little eyes watching me meal prep, take time to read labels on food at the grocery store, push play and sweat in our basement, shake up my Shakeology after a workout... I had these eyes looking at me for their example. An example I have complete control over. Yes, there are many days I don't nail my nutrition, and there are days I miss a workout, but those days are minimal compared to the days I really push myself and kick the excuses to the side because I know how it feels to give up and I know how it feels to keep going. And I choose to keep going.
I have 2 little ones now that watch my every move and I will be damned if I don't show them how important staying active is and eating healthy is. I will be damned if I don't make my health a priority so that the health of my family is better. There are so many things in this world and in this life I have no control over, but eating heathy and working out are not one of them.
It may have taken me a while to get to this point and in this mindset but I can tell you one thing for sure. I wouldn't be here right now had I not taken that first step to start. To try. To do better. So, if you are ready to start, to do better... then let me help you!! I have >>> O N E <<< spot left in my weight loss accountability group that starts tomorrow!! ❤️
The first person to message me and commit to this last spot will get their fitness program FREE!
Send me an email at devonladu to claim this last spot!
This is your time to prove to yourself that you can DO this!
Once I reached my initial goal I realized it wasn't just about me anymore. I had little eyes watching me and noticing what I was doing. I had little eyes watching me meal prep, take time to read labels on food at the grocery store, push play and sweat in our basement, shake up my Shakeology after a workout... I had these eyes looking at me for their example. An example I have complete control over. Yes, there are many days I don't nail my nutrition, and there are days I miss a workout, but those days are minimal compared to the days I really push myself and kick the excuses to the side because I know how it feels to give up and I know how it feels to keep going. And I choose to keep going.
I have 2 little ones now that watch my every move and I will be damned if I don't show them how important staying active is and eating healthy is. I will be damned if I don't make my health a priority so that the health of my family is better. There are so many things in this world and in this life I have no control over, but eating heathy and working out are not one of them.
It may have taken me a while to get to this point and in this mindset but I can tell you one thing for sure. I wouldn't be here right now had I not taken that first step to start. To try. To do better. So, if you are ready to start, to do better... then let me help you!! I have >>> O N E <<< spot left in my weight loss accountability group that starts tomorrow!! ❤️
The first person to message me and commit to this last spot will get their fitness program FREE!
Send me an email at devonladu to claim this last spot!
This is your time to prove to yourself that you can DO this!
Friday, October 16, 2015
HEALTHY Stuffed Green Peppers
First off, give me Mexican food and I am a happy camper....however, my When I started eating clean and really watching my nutrition I made it my mission to "clean up" my favorite meals and make them healthier. I didn't want to feel deprived and like I was missing out. I am an only child (well, I have a half-brother but he lives far away and he's 13 so I grew up an only child....) and the whole "missing out" feeling... I am just not a fan. :) So, before I ramble on too much about life and such, here is my recipe for stuffed green bell peppers! You will need:
- Ground turkey with low sodium taco seasoning
- Spanish rice with diced tomatoes
- Black beans
- Low fat shredded cheese
- Greek yogurt (plain)
- Salsa
- And if you want to be my best friend, Cholula sauce
Cut the top off a green pepper, scoop out the inside, and fill with all the above, except the Greek yogurt, salsa and will add that at the end. I've layered it and I've mixed it all together. Tastes the same either way! Top with some low fat cheese and bake @ 350 for 30-35 minutes.
These are great right out of the oven or warmed up as leftovers! I usually make about 4 bell peppers and then freeze the rest of the meat/rice/bean mixture for later use. :) Enjoy!
Thursday, October 15, 2015
My Body, My Business!!
I know I have posted about this recently, but being a coach has been a HUGE factor in me finding a workout routine I have been able to stick to for the last 20 months, and also has given me the motivation to figure out how to eat clean and incorporate it in to my everyday life as a busy mama. That is honestly what got me into coaching in the first place. I wanted to lose weight but be held more accountable to do it because pre-Beachbody I was easily swayed into eating junk, sitting on the couch instead of working out, and overall just not sticking to anything for a long period of time. I always had good intentions but could never just stick to it! I was always making excuses, telling myself I would start tomorrow… but then tomorrow turned into next week, next month, etc. I was stuck in a rut and I didn’t know how to get out of it….
It was frustrating and all I wanted was SOMETHING or SOMEONE to keep me going. Insert ———> Beachbody coaching.
When I signed up I told myself that if I wanted to be a good coach I better get my butt in gear and workout when I said I was going to, and eat clean like I was telling the challengers in my groups to do. I started seeing results and naturally started talking about it on Facebook because I was excited and I felt awesome - who doesn’t share stuff like that!!?? Then I started getting messages and comments asking me what I was doing and how they could do the same thing. Those first messages showed me that if I continued sharing what I was doing I could possibly help motivate someone else to do the same thing, and in turn they could motivate someone else, and so on. HOLY CRAP!!! I never knew the impact little old me would have but from that first day as a coach I have built a team of AMAZING women that have made the decision to make their health a priority and help others do the same thing. All because I decided to invest in my own health.
This business has helped me and so many others pay it forward not only in health, but financially too. In my first couple months as a coach, just from sharing my workouts and what I was eating, I was able to pay off a month’s worth of student loans. If you know me, you know my student loan debt is HUGE… I went to school out of state for a couple years, took out the max loans my entire 5 years of school…. and let’s just say my monthly student loan payment could be a mortgage payment. So, to say coaching has been a blessing is a GIGANTIC understatement.
Fast-forward to now and I have been on trips to Nashville, Florida, and am qualified for a trip to the Bahamas next month (sadly I won’t be able to make that one) and have been able to leave my full-time corporate job to stay home with my kiddos. All because I wanted to be held more accountable to lose a little weight. CRAZY, right!!?? Well, it’s the truth and I wish that more people would join me in this because it has been an amazing ride so far and I can only imagine where I will be this time next year and where my team will be this time next year. heart emoticon
Because I am looking to grow my team and keep paying this opportunity forward, I want to invite YOU to a little “sneak peek” into what coaching is all about, what we do, and how you can get started too. If you want to lose weight, make a little extra spending money for the holidays or work for something BIGGER, then I want to hear from you and have you join us next week! It will start on Tuesday, October 20th and go through Thursday, October 22nd. It will be held through a private group on Facebook where we will give you all the info you need to see if this opportunity is right for you. There is no obligation by joining us - just check it out!
If you would like to join team Inspire Greatness next week and see if this coaching gig is really all it’s cracked up to be, then email me at, comment below with your email address or fill out an application here.
I can’t wait to get this party started next week!!!! tongue emoticon
Monday, October 12, 2015
Hey pretty MAMA!!!
I am looking for 10 ladies who want to TRANSFORM their bodies without leaving their house!
I will need 30 minutes of your day and we will sculpt your body and learn how to control your portions by using our FUN color-coded containers. NO MORE COUNTING CALORIES!!! :)
All of the workouts are done in the comfort of your own home so there is no need to worry about getting ready for the gym, driving back and forth from the gym (especially in those cold winter months) or paying a monthly gym membership fee! You will also have ME as your coach to help you stay accountable and motivated the entire way through the program. This 21 day challenge starts on MONDAY, OCTOBER 19th and includes access to my accountability groups for LIFE!
I have room for 10 ladies who are SERIOUS about getting stronger & healthier. This program is NOT FREE but includes the entire package when it comes to weight loss....
* Daily workouts
* Color coded portion control containers
* Meal plan
* Shaker cup
* 30 days of Shakeology (the healthiest meal of your entire day)
* 30 day Club membership to Team Beachbody
* Private challenge group with other women with similar goals there to support and cheer you on!
* ME as your personal coach ;)
You can also fill out an application for my next accountability group by clicking here.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Well, let me start off my saying that I am SO HAPPY to be reunited with this tub of heaven.....
Yesterday was day 3, my final day, of the 3-Day Refresh and it was by far the easiest day of them all. I think my body finally was used to the amount of food I was eating and had finally adjusted to the increased fiber intake. I had so much energy yesterday, didn't have any crazy cravings and when it came time to eat my cucumber salad for dinner, I couldn't even finish it because I was FULL! That's crazy to me, because normally by dinnertime I could eat everything in sight! I am usually munching off my son's plate, or grazing the cupboard while making dinner... but yesterday was so different! I am not sure if it was because I knew in my mind I couldn't snack or what, but I didn't even want anything to eat while making dinner for my son.
I went to bed last night feeling accomplished and actually pretty proud that I stuck to this program... I mean, followed it to a "T." And it totally paid off because when I woke up this morning I was 6.5 pounds lighter than when I started. I can see in how my pants fit how much my stomach has gone down, which is a godsend since having baby #2. My stomach has always been the easiest part of my body to tone but since having kids it's basically the complete opposite. So, I WILL TAKE IT!! And I must have been really good lately for the scale to cooperate because it's usually a liar.... which is why I ALWAYS take before and after pictures, or progress pictures in my case since this is not the end for me!! This has been an AMAZING boost for me, or jump-start if you will, and has rejuvenated my motivation to tone up this mom-bod for good! :) So, without further delay, here are my before and after pictures....
That's only a 3 day difference! That's insane to me!!! I am so happy with these results that I plan to do it once a month or once every couple months to keep my diet in check.
Yesterday was supposed to be the last day this program was on special but I checked today and it's still available for the sale price! If you want to give this a shot or have any questions please email me at or message me on Facebook at
If you want more info on the 3-Day Refresh, check this out:
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"Reunited and it feels so goooooood!" |
I went to bed last night feeling accomplished and actually pretty proud that I stuck to this program... I mean, followed it to a "T." And it totally paid off because when I woke up this morning I was 6.5 pounds lighter than when I started. I can see in how my pants fit how much my stomach has gone down, which is a godsend since having baby #2. My stomach has always been the easiest part of my body to tone but since having kids it's basically the complete opposite. So, I WILL TAKE IT!! And I must have been really good lately for the scale to cooperate because it's usually a liar.... which is why I ALWAYS take before and after pictures, or progress pictures in my case since this is not the end for me!! This has been an AMAZING boost for me, or jump-start if you will, and has rejuvenated my motivation to tone up this mom-bod for good! :) So, without further delay, here are my before and after pictures....
That's only a 3 day difference! That's insane to me!!! I am so happy with these results that I plan to do it once a month or once every couple months to keep my diet in check.
Yesterday was supposed to be the last day this program was on special but I checked today and it's still available for the sale price! If you want to give this a shot or have any questions please email me at or message me on Facebook at
If you want more info on the 3-Day Refresh, check this out:
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