It's not always easy, but it's always worth it!

Momming is hard but you know what's harder? Momming when you are overweight, tired all the time, can't keep up with your kids - now THAT is hard. Not being able to play catch with your kids or chase them around on the playground...that is really hard. Sitting on the sidelines, watching life pass by is hard too.
I'll keep it real and say working out everyday and eating healthy can be hard too and I fail miserably sometimes, but I'd rather fail trying than not at all!
As each day passes and I witness the milestones my kids reach, it's a constant reminder of how fast time moves. We only get this one chance at life and I made a promise to myself, to my kids, that I'd at least try. I'm not perfect, and not many things come natural to me (I'm a little awkward

I guess what I'm saying is...everything in this life is "hard." My challenge for you is to choose the hard that gives you life, health, happiness, confidence, energy, endurance, and overall well-being...because then at least the hard will be worth it!

If you need help getting started comment with a

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