Monday, November 14, 2016

Core De Force - Week 1 Recap & Week 2 Meal Plan

I am SO excited to share with you my recap of my first week doing Core De Force! First of all, Leading up to starting this program I was doing Hammer & Chisel, running, and even adding in some Insanity Max 30 workouts from time to time, but this workout managed to find muscles that I never even knew existed and turn them into it's b*tch. :) I have been slamming recovery more than ever and have noticed results much faster than any other program I have done so far. So, in other words, I LOVE THIS PROGRAM!!

First things first - the workouts! I decided to make a video recap of each day this last week to not only to show you what these workouts are like, but to also track my progress. I am not going to lie - the first couple days doing these moves..... I felt super uncoordinated. Which is actually nothing new for me, but there were times I just sat there staring at the screen thinking, "huh?" There are short instruction videos before each workout breaking down the moves before you start so you know what you are doing but I am totally the type that likes to wing things and just jumped right in....So, maybe don't be like me and watch that instruction video before you start... ;)

Here is Day 1 - MMA Speed

Day 2 - Dynamic Strength

Day 3 - MMA Speed

Day 4 - Power Sculpt

Day 5 - MMA Shred

Day 6 - Dynamic Strength

Day 7 - Active Recovery

I have to say, my mindset was FINALLY in the right place to start this program. I took time last Sunday/Monday to plan my meals, snacks, workouts, etc for the entire week and I stayed on track the best I have in MONTHS. It's amazing what a little meal planning can do! So, with the success I had from last week I decided to not get cocky, and do it all over again this week! Here is my week 2 meal plan:

The entire Core De Force nutrition plan is exactly like the 21-Day Fix meal plan, with one exception: Each week is a little different depending on the intensity of where we are with our workouts. This basically helps fuel our bodies properly but also keep our bodies guessing. So, week 1 I followed Plan A (1200-1400 calories), which is the plan I will be following for the full 30 days. The only difference is during week 2 I get to add an extra serving of fruit which I will be adding to my Shakeology in the morning. Here is a breakdown of how the nutrition plans work:

To figure out how many calories you need and which plan you fall under you would take (Your Weight in lbs) x 11 = (Calorie Starting Point). Then, take your (Calorie Starting Point) + 400 (Your Calorie Burn) = (Maintenance Calories). Then, take your (Maintenance Calories) - 750 (Caloric Deficit) = (Your Calorie Target). Now, you would use Your Calorie Target to choose a plan above. 

Even though I am officially starting week 2 of this program TODAY, my Core De Force Launch Group is starting their week 1! I am so excited for the women in my group because there is just something empowering about doing this program! Not only do you get to literally PUNCH out any stresses you have going on, you get in an awesome workout that makes you feel badass, AND you shed pounds and inches while doing so. The workouts fly by because they are fun and unlike any other workout program out there. Here is a recap of my results after just ONE week of Core De Force!

Welp, if you haven't been able to tell by now, I LOVE THIS PROGRAM! I think it's perfect for people that are getting bored with their typical fitness routine. If you are stressed - PUNCH it out! If you are in a plateau - FIGHT through it! If you want to feel empowered - KICK the day in the face! 

For real though, between all the kicks, punches, MMA moves, energy and SWEAT that comes from this workout, I have no doubt that it's effective. In my first week, well actually first 3 days I dropped 4 pounds just from the workouts and following the meal plan. And the kicker is, that by following the meal plan I was eating way more than before when I was just winging things. I actually had a hard time getting all my meals in because I was FULL from eating every 2-3 hours. Less spikes in hunger meant less grabbing junk for me, which is where I tend to struggle. I also struggle with late night 9/9:30pm right before bedtime. That was probably the only time I struggled with this program so far but after the first few days those late night cravings went away. Overall, for my first week I am pretty proud of myself. I didn't miss a workout, I stuck to my meal plan about 85-90% of the time, and got over my late night snacking. 

So, here's to week 2! If you missed my previous blog post where I explained more about this program, shared before and afters from the coach test group, and more check it out here

If you or anyone you know would like to join me for my next online exclusive Core De Force accountability group starting on November 28th (after Thanksgiving) please fill out the application below!

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