A lot can happen in the course of 2 1/2 years and looking at that picture on the left compared to the picture on the right speaks VOLUMES as to what has changed in my life in those 2 1/2 years.
The picture on the left was taken during a night out with friends a few months before I decided to become a health coach. I remember getting ready that night and trying so many different shirts, pants, shorts, capris… mix-matching everything I basically owned to find something that hid my muffin-top and made me feel good. I tried on so many different outfits that it looked like a tornado blew through our bedroom. IWell, I settled on this outfit because it was the best I could come up with but the feelings I had about myself were not good. I was still struggling to lose the baby weight, my nutrition was crap, I was running on little sleep due to being a first time mom, and I just remember feeling blah. I was excited to go out and see my friends but I was not excited about how I looked or how I felt. I have always been one to be confident overall, and am always optimistic and typically in a good mood, so those feelings I had about myself that night were not normal for me and I did NOT like feeling that way. I just felt like I wasn’t myself anymore. You can even see it in my smile in that pic and I am sure you could see it in my demeanor that night too. I just didn’t feel like me anymore.
Since that night I have taken on this journey to just do better. Of course, I set goals to lose weight and get healthy but with that comes SO MUCH MORE. Losing weight and getting healthy not only makes me feel good and look better physically, but mentally, it gives me confidence that I can take on this life! I just have more energy and clarity than I did before and have also found purpose in my day. It didn’t happen overnight, and I am definitely still working on bettering myself every day (even with setbacks like shingles - BLAH!!) but I feel the best I have ever felt RIGHT NOW… even better than I did in my 20s.
I have said it before and I will say it again, but life is too dang short to spend it feeling the way I did in that picture on the left. Our days are not guaranteed and things can happen to you in the blink of an eye. Stop wishing for things and start WORKING for things. With each and every goal you hit you will gain confidence, feel better, have more energy, and have the willpower to keep going! You will prove to yourself that YOU ARE strong enough to reach your goals and after you do, you will have the strength and determination to reach even higher goals!
I honestly think that whatever we want in this life starts with our health. We HAVE to be healthy and take care of our bodies if we expect to do great things. We just do. There are too many people taking their health for granted out there and it just needs to stop!
If you are in the same place I was 2 1/2 years ago and are ready to take that first step in your journey comment below with your email. I would love to give you more details and help you realize that YOU TOO can make a change and live a healthy life. <3
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